La inteligencia y la motivación

Quería compartir con uds una nota de la revista Technology Review que reflexiona sobre la posibilidad de construir máquinas inteligentes, y que plantea que no sólo debe tenerse en cuenta como objetivo el incremento en la capacidad analítica de las mismas, sino también evaluar cómo ese incremento puede afectar la motivación a la hora de tomar decisiones…

“…if one is trying to build an intelligent machine capable of devising more intelligent machines, it is important to find a way to build in not only motivation, but motivation amplification–the continued desire to build in self-sustaining motivation, as intelligence amplifies. If such motivation is to be possessed by future generations of intelligence–meta-motivation, as it were–then it's important to discover these principles now.”

…algo interesante para observar no sólo en máquinas…

“…we know that a motivation can be hijacked by options that simulate the satisfaction that the motivation is aimed toward. Substance addictions plague tens of millions of people in the United States alone, and addictions to more subtle things, including certain kinds of information (such as e-mail), are prominent too.”

…y de cómo todo esto se relaciona con la teoría de la Singularidad ya mencionada antes en este foro…

“Intelligences that invent more and more interesting and absorbing technologies, that can better grab and hold their attention, while reducing impact on the world, might enter the opposite of a singularity.”

"The Singularity and the Fixed Point"

Un beso!

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